Sunday, May 07, 2006
All creatures...
Here are pics of my sweet little guys. Pardon the picture quality. I am one of those sad sacks who has not gone out and bought a digital camera, so these are scanned.

This is Daisy, my little sweetie!!!

This one is DooWee, the wannabe Sheltie. He looks nothing like his brothers and sisters, but has a tail that has grown out to look like Daisy's

This is Sophie, the feline fur generator...especially this time of the year.

And finally, Boo, aka "The Love Monkey" He loves to be held, squeezed, giving love bumps on the chin.

I started out with just Sophie. Then some friends, actually my BFF mentioned in yesterday's post, moved to an apartment and I suddenly inherited Boo. Later, right after my mom passed away in 2003, my other BFF's Sheltie has puppies, and she gave me Daisy...Daisy was a blessing from God, after my mom died, Daisy was such a source of comfort and joy to me. Then, well, I figured Daisy was I got Doowee from another friend because he was the most gentle in his's was all a show, gentle my foot...he was a wild child, but has calmed down pretty well now. So now, it's me, my non-pet-loving roommate, and my four critters. I love them...but there are times...for example

So, last night I got in bed, spent from a day of shopping. I go to pull up the covers and there it is...a mystery spot, several mystery spots...I looked at it, it's kind of yellow...doesn't really smell, not water, not pee. what the heck is it??? So, I had to strip my bed at 11:30pm!!! Love them, not necessarily all the byproducts.

The Proverbial Woman