Wednesday, May 10, 2006
At What Point Does the Chin Fat Go Away?
I mentioned in an earlier post that I have recently lost about 30 pounds, right? Well, I'm still going and blowing on that, trying really hard. As many other women, I have been on every diet out there. But this time? This time it's different. I decided in November of 2005 that I had to lose weight, I was at a point that I was not happy. So, I gave myself permission to just have my way for December and November. I ate anything and everything. No worries thru Thanksgiving, my birthday, Christmas. The whole time, I was gearing myself up for January 2006. And I did it, and I am still doing it. It's been really a blessing. I even had to, not got to, buy new clothes. Now, I know this is vain, and you may roll your eyes when you read this, but I am also tanning, like in a tanning bed. (Save the: That's not good for you bit, I know) This is the first time since high school that I actually am not a pasty white. (By the way, I'm a redhead and I have redheaded skin too) So, I am feeling pretty good about myself lately. Until...

Sunday at church, we had a professional photographer come and take pictures during our services. The photograher is a friend of mine I've known since college and he's really, really good. Here's his website if you are ever in the Texas panhandle and want your picture taken: Jason Johnson Photos (check out his blog for a couple of pics from our church and our pastors.) So, anyway, I was at the computer that runs our worship projection system and he snapped my picture. Tonight, I saw the picture, it was in profile. I was anxious to see it, to see how I look you know, after losing the weight. My questions is this: at what point does the chin fat go away? I hate pictures of me, especially from the side because I inherited my grandmother's chin, and evidently her neck too. I have given myself a diagnosis: reverse body dismorphic disorder. (I do work in the mental health field you know) Anorexics tend to believe that they are bigger than they really are, I have the reverse of that, I am not as thin as I think I am...and profile pictures of me are just the proof I need of that. So tonight I am thinking, maybe I have not lost that much weight...that chin fat is still there. How unfair!!!

But, even as I sit here typing, I am encouraged...I mean 30 pounds is nothing to sneeze at, right? I'll just have to make sure that all photographs of me taken from this day forward be shot face front, absolutely no profiles!!

The Proverbial Woman