Friday, May 19, 2006
What? Me Obsessive?
Here I am, I am alive. I realized something about myself this week. I tend to get a little manic at times, get really involved with something, then, just stop. Like this blog. I started it on May 4, was excited about writing, end then, just wasn't. But, in my attempt to overcome this little character defect, I am here, writing for all 5 of you who are actually reading this and coming back. (A big thanks by the way for that!!!)

So, what's new with me? Not much...Let's see, this week, I sprayed my yard for fleas. I tend to work pretty hard at that, with four animals, fleas can become a big problem once they start. My kitties are sporting their lovely purple and white flea collars, much to their chargrin. My pups have had their flea baths, much to their horror. (My little Daisy is so smart...How smart is she? I can just say the word "bath" and she gets all, "What, me? Bath? I don't need no stinking bath!!" Her entire face will actually fall, her ears will prick up, she stops smiling/panting and just stares at me like she is trying to use that Jedi trick of telepathy to make me start thinking about hotdogs.) I spent money on this stuff to spray the yard, seems to be working and then...And then...My lovely neighbors across the alley choose to put their lovely chewed up, ripped apart mattress in the alley by the dumpster, which is on my property. So, this mattress is actually resting on my fence. And I am just certain that it is flea infested, judging from their yard and their dog. AAGGHHHH! Tomorrow, I plan on going and buy more stuff to spray the mattress, so to stop the spread of the forementioned fleas to my yard, then to my dogs, then to my house, then to my bed!!! These neighbors are really pretty nice people. And, I don't want to be a bad, meany neighbor, but I have actually called the city three times in four years because of the junk they tend to throw in the alley. I must admit, it's not the best of me that comes out. It's that ugly, nasty me I mentioned in an earlier post. Ok, enough of that.

What else? Another telltale sign of my manic/obsessiveness? As I have mentioned earlier, I help out at church with our Media stuff. I do things like design announcements to project during church, powerpoints for sermons, lyrics to our worship songs. Well, tomorrow is a Women's conference at church. My pastor's wife is speaking, and I love, love this woman and want her powerpoint to absolutely rock. So, in my mind, I build this powerpoint, thinking, this is going to be the best, most beautiful, life changing powerpoint ever. The women at the conference will see it and fall to their knees praising God...see, this is how my mind works...scary huh? Ok, so I don't really know alot yet about graphic design, but I downloaded this program, a trial program, for 30 day only and I love it. So, since I only have 30 days on this program, I feel the need to spend every waking moment on it, trying to suck the marrow out of this program before the 30 days are up...I now have 27 days left... Today alone, four hours on this powerpoint, just messing with it, changing colors, fonts, changing them back, changing the custom designed background on my new online for more graphics...There was actually a time in there that I could not tell if my right hand was still attached to my arm...the mouse felt like another appendage...I actually left work early to work on this thing...So, I get a couple of versions together and run them up to the church this afternoon, I am wearing my just-got-out-of-work outfit of a white tanktop, sportsbra (uni-boob and all) and baggy jeans, (because all my jeans are baggy right now!!) and run up there, thinking, no one will be there...wrong!!! Yes, there are people there and here I am in my tanktop and uniboob. (now, I don't generally wear tanktops in public, but with my recent weightloss and sporting my fake-n-bake tan, I think, what the heck?) So, I confidently walk in, march up to the media stuff and act like I am the bee's knees. Guess it worked, no one laughed, pointed or screamed in pain.


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