Wednesday, May 31, 2006
Chariots of Fire, I am not
I've mentioned a couple of times about my character defect of not finishing things. I thought I would expound on that a little. Let me just tell you. I have many dreams, I dream of being things, but not becoming things. I'd like to be a doctor, I just don't want to become a doctor. I'm the type of woman who can pretty much do something if it needs to be done. I can change a tire, I just don't like to, it's just good to know that I can. I can do minor repairs around my little house, I just don't really like to. I love to have a beautiful yard, I just don't want to mow it, that's why there are lawn services out there.

There are many things out there that I have learned how to do, just to learn. Here's a few examples:
1. Cake decorating: My BFF and I decided we wanted to learn how to decorate cakes, make roses, flowers, write pretty with icing on cakes. So, we went to a class at Hobby Lobby and I learned how to decorate cakes. I can make a rose, make pretty borders, in general make a decent looking cake. I had a cake this year at our annual cake auction at church that was sold for $400. Cool huh? Well, after I conquered this skill I started getting calls from friends wanting me to make their children's birthday cakes. At this point, I had decided that decorating cakes was cool, but it made a gigantic mess, lots of cleaning little icing tips, making all the different colored icing, lots of stuff like that. I don't like little stuff like that. See, I like the idea of it, but the process is tedious, so I don't really decorate cakes anymore. However, my BFF? She now does it for a living, was the head decorator at a high-end grocery, she is amazing at it. Me, I have icing tips rusting in a bowl next to my sink.

2. Knitting/crocheting: For years, I wanted to learn how to knit. I could imagine myself sitting watching TV, knitting wonderfully beautiful sweaters, scarves. So, I bought some books, and learned the basics. I then cornered a lady at work who knows how to do all those things. I learned, one Christmas, I knitted 6 scarves for my neices, (I have 11 neices and nephews from two brothers, one brother has 7 kids!!) Then, I wanted to learn how to crochet, I did. I can do it. I made one cotton washcloth over spring break a couple of years ago. My other BFF? She learned to crochet when I did. She now crochets baby blankets, hats, scarves, afgans, etc. Me, I have a basket full of at least 12 different yarns, 5 sets of knitting needles, books and other various yarn type accessories sitting in a basket, in my living room under my TV.

3. My home: I love my house. I told myself when I graduated college that if I was single when I turned 30, that I would buy a house. So, I did. It was built in 1937, it's really cute. Before I moved in my friends helped me paint the kitchen, that was in 2002. I still have cabinet doors where the front of the door is painted, but the back is not. I started painting the trim in my hallway on New Year's Day this year...still not done. I am looking at a louvered door right now where the sides are painted, but I just could not bring myself to paint those stinking louvers!!! My front door is this heavy wooden door with the original lockset on it. The day I signed the papers on the house, the doorknob snapped in two. Now, this is not the type of doorknob you just run out and replace, the little pin that connects the two knobs is "special" and I think I am going to have to get one made to replace it. So, for 4 years, I have lived with no doorknob on my front door.

4. HTML: When I discovered the world of blogs, I convinced myself that I would teach myself HTML. That Sunday at church, they asked if anyone was interested in working on the church webpage. I bravely told our pastor after services that I was learning HTML and would do the webpage. Well, not so much. It's so confusing. I've learned little things, colors, copying source code, playing around with it. I'm just hoping that my pastor won't call me up expecting great things.

My roommate calls me Martha Stewart because I can tie a pretty bow on a present, or make a slipcover for a chair, or, hang pictures on a wall, bake a great cake...etc. I, on the other hand, know me. I'm just glad you all cannot see into this spare bedroom I am sitting in right now, I don't mind washing laundry, I just have an aversion to putting it away. I went out and bought a twin-sized bed for this I would have somewhere to throw my clean clothes. (It's piled up behind me right now...I dig for clothes each morning) So, I have deemed myself: The Lazy Man's Martha Stewart. That's me.


Blogger Brenda said...

I just found your blog and read every post. I like your sense of humor. I will be back. :)

Anonymous Anonymous said...

are we sisters seperated at birth?

Anonymous Anonymous said...

true so true. I am also one who is able to do many thing regardless of whether or not I like doing them.

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Anonymous Anonymous said...
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